
Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Are you abnormal? Moreover is it good or bad to generally be abnormal Abnormal simply means outside of the normal - that today mean anyone who has a behaviour which most others do not. It may all hang on how abnormal psychology addresses or analyses the statistics though,Mbt Schuhe Koshi, and just how society places values on attributes. There was a time in Britain when to be left handed wasn just abnormal - you might have been burnt at the stake for being a witch! Having a significantly low IQ is abnormal. So is a appreciably high IQ but it is usually only the former which is viewed as abnormal because children with high IQs are seen as having desirable attributes - highly gifted springs to mind even when they display unusual behaviour Approximately 25% of older people suffer with depression; does that render depression abnormal? It in no way rare, but it could be unusual behaviour and it might be a problem Abnormal psychology only tends to come to the fore in the event the attributes of a person's behaviour or thinking become problematic. When someone behaviour makes people feel threatened. Not that the threat need be real ,billige MBT Schuhe, it is a perception. Social standards seem to have more effect on abnormality,Mbt Schuhe Kamba, than someone being different does. if it isn't socially acceptable then its regarded as abnormal. As mentioned earlier abnormality doesn stand the test of time. Being a homosexual was thought of as a psychological indeed psychiatric disorder in the past while it isn today and drink drivers,MBT Habari Sandals, once an accepted normal behaviour is now not seen in that light. Ditto smokers. Abnormal psychology comes to the fore when individuals behave in a fashion that interferes with their day-to-day functional ability Rosenhan & Seligman (1989) noted the following indicators of abnormality ?Maladaptiveness - being a danger to oneself ?Vividness & unconventionality - a person that sticks out significantly from the crowd ?Unpredictably & loss of control - someone that may explode with rage or tears ?Irrationality/incomprehensibility - the inability to think in a traditional way or to make themselves understood by the mainstream ?Causes observer discomfort - those whose behaviour disconcerts those around them ?Violates moral/social standards - people that go against generally accepted standards Surprisingly even these traits are open to question In the event the behaviour ensures they are happy who is to say it's not acceptable if it does no physical harm? And aren boxer,Mbt Schuhe Karani, smokers, drinkers all self harmers? Abnormal psychology is not easily defined It looks to be less about bnormal ut more to do with ?less than the ideal? So what is the ideal? Well again ideas vary but in most cases it's individuals with a positive view of themselves and others,MBT Tariki Schuhe, who have the capability to grow and develop. They have the ability to function independently of others and can also think for themselves. They understand what is real and what isn - worrying when you consider the amount of people who think the characters in Eastenders are real,billige MBT Schuhe! Furthermore they can function on a regular basis and find it not too difficult to form good relationships and maintain them. Oh and if you pile on social class into that little box of tricks you will notice that with regards to abnormality the working class suffer more than their higher class counterparts An abnormal psychology course will help you understand this fascinating subject

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