
Automotive fuel additive and its proper use - fuel additives, use - vehicle maintenance and repair

Automotive fuel additive and its proper use - fuel additives, use - vehicle maintenance and repair

New round of oil price rise has left many owners Adds pressure. Recently, the reporter received a phone owner Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang told the reporter, recently a lot of friends in the 4S shop or auto supply store in the promotion, the use of a " Fuel Additives "Merchant said adding this additive, the vehicle can not only enhance the power, while maintaining Saving The effect of this dubious about Mr. Fang, hope you can help.

Fuel additive does not exceed 30 yuan a bottle Dongguan Taurus
reporter went over the road automotive supplies shop,Nero Albicocca Hogan Progetto Donna, inquire about such additives. It is understood that such additives, there are many well-known brands, such as the United Kingdom Hout, STP, and the United States Public G17, 3M, etc.. The price of these additives is not high, as the public less than 20 yuan a bottle G17, approximately 200 ml bottle. The STP prices slightly higher,see more, 30? 35 yuan a bottle.

"Relatively easy to sell the most recent period, many people come to ask some people in the 4S shop to learn about the product, to our shop asking that cheap to buy." Taurus road car in the auto supply store edge elements,Tods Gommino Scarpe Uomo, Sell Members told reporters, STP additive has been a long time to be locked in the warehouse, but many owners have recently asked. Seller told reporters, before they focus on introducing such additives for enhancing the role of power, but they generally focus on the recent introduction of additives on to customers to increase the effectiveness of combustion efficiency, so that customers know more fuel-efficient cars after use.

Business: no problem using the appropriate Dongguan
reporter went to a Volkswagen dealer asked the public G17 additives, for Mr. Chang told reporters automotive supplies, because car use in Guangdong environment is harsher, with China's fuel quality is low, if the owner They targeted use of some additives, is good, on the one hand can play the role of extended engine life, on the other hand to remove gum and coke, to a certain extent it could serve as fuel efficiency. And fuel combustion, on local air quality benefits.

As for what constitutes proper use of funds, Mr. Chang told reporters that the vehicle had run-in period,read more, if not better not to use, but if there idling your vehicle instability, poor acceleration, fuel costs, air-conditioning load shaking issues , and the vehicle they did not check out the big problem, then you can use the fuel additive.

The official also told reporters that there is no country for fuel additives and the development of relevant industry standards, when everything depends on the choice of whether the products have quality certification authority of the State sector, but also to informal channels must buy, buy before you can listen to Service Master's advice, with prior best to ask the riders use a similar product views.

Expert: best not to use cars to be disease
Dongguan City Auto Parts Industry Association vice president Zhang Huajun told reporters that the present fuel additive Market Not standardized, counterfeit products not to mention, even some of these additives containing metal particle composition, but once the metal particle composition, and adding to some of the cars may have adverse reactions.

"A very simple example, some tonic in itself no problem, but people do not get sick, health food, then good times, but a bad influence on the body,Hogan Nero Collezione Uomo Oympia, the fuel additive is also the reason, the vehicle no problem adding it there may be a major problem. itself is a balanced body, add a function that contains additives, may break the balance of the original, reducing the performance of the fuel itself. "

Zhang Huajun also stressed that for these products, consumers can not have high expectations, after all, car manufacturers in the production process, often through cost a billion dollars to research how to improve engine efficiency, while a few like this bottle 10 yuan of products, can play a role in a very limited indeed.

I am writer, reports some information about , . >.


